Immigration Law

By AustinDevos

Immigration Law Attorney: Now, Changing Citizenship Becomes Easy

In the world we are living in, there is nothing as hectic as changing one’s citizenship. There are many reasons that would cause one to want to change their citizenships. Some of the reasons would be war and looking for greener pastures among other personal reasons.

When you plan on immigrating to another country for personal reasons, you need to hire the services of an immigration law attorney. An immigration law attorney is a practicing lawyer who deals with issues of immigration. The attorney helps you in acquiring your new citizenship through simple and legal processes. Many people have fallen victim of unscrupulous attorneys who help them acquire citizenship illegally after paying huge sums of money. Acquiring your citizenship illegally gives you a lot of limitations. There are very many activities you can’t engage in. In addition, if you are caught with an illegally acquired citizenship you are deported to your country. You also face the risk of prosecution.

Sometimes acquiring citizenship of another country through the process of naturalization becomes a difficult task. When this happens, the need for an immigration law attorney arises. The attorney will follow all the right court procedures to see that you have finally gone through the process of naturalization. For instance, if you have been in the United States, for sometime either for studies or job related reasons, and becoming a legal citizen is proving a challenge due one reason or another, the immigration law attorney comes in and sorts everything out for you.

Becoming a citizen of the United States through naturalization has now become an easy and economical process, thanks to the services of immigration law attorneys. This is as compared to using illegal means of acquiring this citizenship. Illegal means of acquiring citizenship are not only expensive but are also risky. You risk prosecution in accordance to immigration laws. The attorneys are cheap and they offer you a permanent solution to the problem of immigration. After you have acquired your citizenship legally, you acquire all rights and privileges just like those of any other person born in the US.

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In case you happen to get arrested by immigration and customs enforcement (ICE), an immigration law attorney will help you get released on bond. They will also negotiate on the reduction or redetermination of this bond. They also post your immigration bond in certain cases. This saves you from spending days in custody. After you have been released on bond, the attorneys work towards seeing your name cleared.

After attaining your citizenship in your new country through the process of naturalization, you need to be careful to avoid cases of deportation and cancellation of your citizenship. In case, after acquiring your citizenship, something happens, which could lead to your deportation, immigration law attorneys work towards your deportation defense. They negotiate for bond litigation and negotiate on bond determination. The attorneys also challenge your mandatory detention. Detention can be so damaging both financially and socially. They also help in removal of your citizenship cancellation and finally termination of all proceedings against you.